The Internet is an amazing tool. It has the power to change the way we live, and we’re starting to see that potential today. With only a few mouse clicks, you can follow the news, look up facts, buy goods and services, and communicate with others from around the world. It’s important to Landry Flexible Packaging to help our customers retain their privacy when they take advantage of all the Internet has to offer.
This site currently has no registry, op in or sign in functions. However there is a short needs evaluation questionnaire and contact form. All information gathered in these sections are for internal use only.
We believe your business is no one else’s. Your privacy is important to you and to us. So we’ll protect the information you share with us. To protect your privacy:
Landry Flexible Packaging follows different principles in accordance with worldwide practices for customer privacy and data protection.
Landry Flexible Packaging
August 2020
Alain Lefebvre
General manager